SLICE branding
In 2023, I joined the board of the St. Louis Independent Comics Expo (SLICE)! SLICE hosts an annual expo, as well as workshops and events throughout the year, to promote comics literacy and uplift local small presses and independent creators.
SLICE is a reincarnation of the St. Louis Small Press Expo, which ran 2014–2019. When relaunching the expo in 2023, the committee agreed that a name change would align the organization with other expos similar to ours. Thus, we needed a new logo. Myself and other committee members contributed sketches, refined concepts, and ultimately my “zine fold” concept was selected.
I wanted the new logo to be as zingy as the name and to represent the energy being brought back to this event. The folds in the logo design are reminiscent of zines and zine-making—the organization’s roots—but the “ZAP, POW!” visual language is all comics.
The logo works in single or duotone color. Color combinations pulled from the brand’s color palette, a shifted CMYK variation, keep the logo flexible for all uses.
SLICE is a reincarnation of the St. Louis Small Press Expo, which ran 2014–2019. When relaunching the expo in 2023, the committee agreed that a name change would align the organization with other expos similar to ours. Thus, we needed a new logo. Myself and other committee members contributed sketches, refined concepts, and ultimately my “zine fold” concept was selected.
I wanted the new logo to be as zingy as the name and to represent the energy being brought back to this event. The folds in the logo design are reminiscent of zines and zine-making—the organization’s roots—but the “ZAP, POW!” visual language is all comics.
The logo works in single or duotone color. Color combinations pulled from the brand’s color palette, a shifted CMYK variation, keep the logo flexible for all uses.

Sketch concepts

Refined drafts

March 2023 • design, logos